P. Henderson, M. Vertescher, D. Meger, and M.J. Coates, Cost adaptation for robust decentralized - swarm behaviour, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, Madrid, Spain, Oct. 2018.
S. Pal and M.J. Coates, Sequential MCMC with the discrete bouncy particle sampler, in Proc. IEEE - Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Freiburg, Germany, Jun. 2018.
S. Pal and M.J. Coates, Particle flow particle filter for Gaussian mixture noise models, in Proc. - IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Proc., Calgary, Canada, Apr. 2018.
A.-A. Saucan, M. J. Coates, and M. G. Rabbat, A multi-sensor multi-Bernoulli filter, IEEE Trans. - Signal Processing, vol. 65, no. 20, pp. 5495-5509, Oct. 2017.
S. Shaghaghian and M. Coates, Online Bayesian inference of diffusion networks, IEEE Trans. Signal and- Information Processing over Networks, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 500-512, Sept. 2017.
Y. Li and M. Coates, Particle filtering with invertible particle flow, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing,- vol. 65, no. 16, pp. 4102-4116, Aug. 2017. Matlab code available here!!
M. Kharratzadeh and M. Coates, Semi-parametric order-based generalized multivariate regression, J. - Multivariate Analysis, vol. 156, pp. 89-102, Apr. 2017.
Y. Li, E. Porter, A. Santorelli, M. Coates, and M. Popović, Microwave breast cancer detection via - cost-sensitive ensemble classifiers: phantom and patient investigation, Biomedical Signal Processing - and Control, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 366-376, Jan. 2017.
Y. Li and M.J. Coates, Sequential MCMC with invertible particle flow, in Proc. Int. Conf. Acoustics, - Speech and Signal Proc. (ICASSP), New Orleans, LA, USA, Mar. 2017. Matlab code available here!!
S. Nannuru, S. Blouin, M. Coates, M. Rabbat, Multisensor CPHD filter, IEEE Trans. Aerospace and - Electronic Systems, vol. 52, no. 4, Oct. 2016. Matlab code available here!!
E. Porter, M.J. Coates, and M. Popović, An early clinical study of time-domain microwave radar for - breast health monitoring, IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 530-539, Mar. 2016.
J.Y. Yu, M.J. Coates, M.G. Rabbat, and S. Blouin, A distributed particle filter for bearings-only - tracking on spherical surfaces, IEEE Signal Proc. Letters, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 326-330, Mar. 2016.
D. Űstebay, R. Castro, M. Coates, and M. Rabbat, Distributed approximation and tracking using - selective gossip, in Compressed Sensing and Sparse Filtering, pp. 325-355, Springer 2016.
M. Rabbat, M. Coates, S. Blouin, Graph Laplacian distributed particle filtering, in Proc. Eur. Signal- Proc. Conference, Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 2016.
K. El Hallaoui, A. Santorelli, M.J. Coates, and M. Popović A miniaturized clock generator for a - time-domain microwave breast health monitoring device, in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Antenna Technology and- Applied Electromagnetics, Montreal, Canada, Jul. 2016.
Y. Li and M.J. Coates, Fast particle flow particle filters via clustering, in Proc. ISIF Int. Conf. - Information Fusion, Heidelberg, Germany, Jul. 2016.
M. Kharratzadeh and M.J. Coates, Order-based generalized multivariate regression, in Proc. IEEE Stat.- Signal Processing Workshop, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Jun. 2016.
M. Kharratzadeh and M.J. Coates, Sparse multivariate factor regression, in Proc. IEEE Stat. Signal - Processing Workshop, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Jun. 2016.
S. Shaghaghian and M.J. Coates, Bayesian inference of diffusion networks with unknown infection - times, in Proc. IEEE Stat. Signal Processing Workshop, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Jun. 2016.
Y. Li, L. Zhao, M.J. Coates, Gaussian particle flow implementation of PHD filter, in Proc. SPIE Symp.- Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition, Baltimore, United - States, Apr. 2016.
Y. Li, L. Zhao, M.J. Coates, Particle flow for particle filtering, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. - Acoustics, Speech, and Sig. Proc. (ICASSP), Shanghai, China, March 2016.
J.Y. Yu, M. Coates, and M. Rabbat, Distributed multi-sensor CPHD filter using pairwise gossiping, in - Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Sig. Proc. (ICASSP), Shanghai, China, March 2016.
S. Nannuru and M.J. Coates, Hybrid multi-Bernoulli and CPHD filters for superpositional sensors, IEEE- Trans. Aero. Elect. Systems, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 2847-2863, Oct. 2015.
M. Kharratzadeh, B. Renard, and M.J. Coates, Bayesian topic model approaches to online and - time-dependent clustering, Digital Signal Processing, vol. 47, no. 12, pp. 25-35, 2015.
S.D. Gupta, M.J. Coates, and M. Rabbat, Error propagation in gossip-based distributed particle - filters, IEEE Trans. Signal Info. Proc. over Networks, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 148-163, Sept. 2015.
S. Shaghaghian and M.J. Coates, Optimal forwarding in opportunistic delay tolerant networks with - meeting rate estimations, IEEE Trans. Signal Info. Proc. over Networks, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 104-116, - Jun. 2015.
Y. Li, L. Zhao, M.J. Coates, Particle flow auxiliary particle filter, in Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop - Comp. Adv. in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), Cancun, Mexico, Dec. 2015.
S. Datta Gupta, J.Y. Yu, M. Mallick, M.J. Coates, and M. Morelande, Comparison of angle-only - filtering algorithms in 3D using EKF, UKF, PF, PFF, and ensemble KF, in Proc. Int. Conf. Information - Fusion, Washington, DC, USA, June 2015.
S. Datta Gupta, S. Nannuru, M.J. Coates, and M. Rabbat, A distributed general multi-sensor - cardinalized probability hypothesis density (CPHD) filter for sensor networks, in Proc. SPIE Symp. - Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Apr. ## 2015.
Y. Li, A. Santorelli, O. Laforest, and M.J. Coates, Cost-sensitive ensemble classifiers for microwave- breast cancer detection, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Sig. Proc. - (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia, Apr. 2015.
B. Renard, M. Kharratzadeh, and M.J. Coates, Online time-dependent clustering using probabilistic - topic models, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Sig. Proc. (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia,- Apr. 2015.
S. Nannuru, M.J. Coates, M. Rabbat, and S. Blouin, General solution and approximate implementation of- the multisensor multitarget CPHD filter, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Sig. - Proc. (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia, Apr. 2015.
Y. Li, E. Porter, and M. J. Coates, Imaging-based classification algorithms on clinical trial data - with injected tumour responses, in Proc. European Conf. Antennas and Propag. (EuCAP), Lisbon, - Portugal, Apr. 2015.
E. Porter, A. Santorelli, M. Coates, and M. Popović, Breast tissue screening with microwave - time-domain radar: initial clinical trials, in Proc. IEEE Conf. Antenna Measurements and Applications,- Antibes Juan les Pins, France, Nov. 2014.
S. Shaghaghian and M.J. Coates, Opportunistic networks: minimizing expected latency, in Proc. IEEE - Int. Conf. Wireless, Mob. Computing, Net., Comm. (WiMob), Larnaca, Cyprus, Oct. 2014.
J. Y. Yu, D. Űstebay, S. Blouin, M. J. Coates, and M.G. Rabbat, Distributed underwater acoustic - source localization and tracking, in Proc. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, - Pacific Grove, California, USA, Nov. 2014.
A. Shahid, D. Űstebay and M.J. Coates, Distributed ensemble Kalman filtering, in Proc. IEEE Sensor - Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, A Coruna, Spain, June 2014.
S. Nannuru and M. J. Coates, Hybrid multi-Bernoulli CPHD filter for superpositional sensors, in Proc.- SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Symp., Baltimore, MD, USA, May 2014.
A. Santorelli, Y. Li, E. Porter, M. Popović, and M. Coates, Investigation of classification - algorithms for a prototype microwave breast cancer monitor, in Proc. European Conference on Antennas - and Propagation (EuCAP), The Hague, The Netherlands, Apr. 2014.
S. Nannuru, Y. Li, Y. Zeng, M. J. Coates, and B. Yang, Radio frequency tomography for passive indoor - multi-target tracking, IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 2322-2333, Dec. 2013.
E. Kirshin, B. Oreshkin, G. Zhu, M. Popović, and M. Coates, Microwave radar and microwave-induced - thermoacoustics: dual-modality approach for breast cancer detection, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. - 60, issue 2, pp. 354-360, 2013.
E. Porter, E. Kirshin, A. Santorelli, M. Coates, and M. Popović, Time-domain multistatic radar system- for microwave breast screening, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 229- - 232, Feb. 2013.
E. Porter, A. Santorelli, M. Coates, and M. Popović, Time-domain microwave breast cancer detection: - extensive system testing with phantoms, Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment, vol. 12, no. 2.,- pp. 131-143, Apr. 2013.
S. Nannuru, M. J. Coates, and A. Doucet, A Gaussian mixture ensemble transform filter for vector - observations, in Proc. SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Symposium, Baltimore, MD, USA, May 2013.
S. Nannuru, M. J. Coates, and R. Mahler, Computationally-tractable approximate PHD and CPHD filters - for superpositional sensors, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 7, Jun 2013.
S. Nannuru and M. J. Coates, Multi-Bernoulli filter for superpositional sensors, in Proc. - International Conference on Information Fusion, Istanbul, Turkey, Jul 2013.
S. Nannuru and M. J. Coates, Particle filter implementation of the multi-Bernoulli filter for - superpositional sensors, in Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in - Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, Saint Martin, Dec 2013.
M. Kharratzadeh and M. J. Coates, Weblog Analysis for Predicting Correlations in Stock Price - Evolutions, in Proc. International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, Dublin, Ireland, May 2012.
S.S. Tabatabaei, M. Coates, and M. Rabbat, GANC: Greedy agglomerative normalized cut, Pattern - Recognition, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 831-843, February, 2012. Matlab and C++ code.
B. Oreshkin and M.J. Coates, Analysis of error propagation in particle filters with approximation, - Annals of Applied Probability, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 2343-2378, Dec. 2011.
S. Nannuru, Y. Li, M. J. Coates, and B. Yang, Multi-target device-free tracking using radio frequency- tomography, in Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and - Information Processing (ISSNIP), Adelaide, Australia, Dec. 2011.
F. Thouin, S. Nannuru and M. Coates, Multi-target tracking for measurement models with additive - contributions, (revised version) in Proc. International Conference on Information Fusion, Chicago, IL,- July 2011.
B. Oreshkin, X. Liu and M.J. Coates, Efficient delay-tolerant particle filtering, IEEE Trans. Sig. - Proc., vol. 59 , issue 7 , pp. 3369 - 3381, July 2011.
F. Thouin, M.J. Coates, and M.G. Rabbat, Large scale probabilistic available bandwidth estimation, - Computer Networks, vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 2065-2078, Jun. 2011.
Y. Li, X. Chen, M.J. Coates and B. Yen, Sequential Monte Carlo radio-frequency tomographic tracking, - in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Proc., Prague, May 2011.
D. Üstebay, M.J. Coates, and M.G. Rabbat, Distributed auxiliary particle filters using selective - gossip, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Proc., Prague, May 2011.
X. Chen, A. Edelstein, Y. Li, M.J. Coates, A. Men, and M.G. Rabbat, Sequential Monte Carlo for - simultaneous passive device-free tracking and sensor localization using received signal strength - measurements, in Proc. IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, Chicago, USA,- Apr. 2011.
E. Kirshin, G. Zhu, M.J. Coates and M. Popović, Evaluation of the mono-static microwave radar - algorithms for breast imaging, in Proc. Eur. Conf. Antennas and Propagation, Rome, Italy, Apr. 2011.
E. Porter, A. Santorelli, M.J. Coates and M. Popović, An experimental system for time-domain - microwave breast imaging, in Proc. Eur. Conf. Antennas and Propagation, Rome, Italy, Apr. 2011.
Y. Pointurier, M.J. Coates and M.G. Rabbat, Cross-layer monitoring in transparent optical networks, - IEEE/OSA J. Optical Comm. and Networking, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 189-198, Mar. 2011.
E. Kirshin, B. Oreshkin, G. Zhu, M.J. Coates and M. Popović, Fusing microwave radar and - microwave-induced thermoacoustics for breast cancer detection, in Proc. Int. Symp. Biomedical Imaging,- Chicago, IL, USA, Mar. 2011.
S.H. Masood, A. Raza, and M. J. Coates, Content Distribution Strategies in Opportunistic Networks , - Technical Report: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill University, Dec. 2011.
X. Liu, B.N. Oreshkin, M.J. Coates, Efficient delay-tolerant particle filtering through selective - processing of out-of-sequence measurements, in Proc. ISIF Int. Conf. Information Fusion, Edinburgh, - Scotland, July 2010.
B. N. Oreshkin and M.J. Coates, Asynchronous distributed particle filter via decentralized evaluation- of Gaussian products, in Proc. ISIF Int. Conf. Information Fusion, Edinburgh, Scotland, - July 2010. Runner Up, Best Paper Award.
D. Üstebay, B. Oreshkin, M. Coates, and M. Rabbat, Greedy gossip with eavesdropping, IEEE - Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 58, no. 7, pp. 3765-3776, July 2010. Matlab code available - here!!
B. Oreshkin, M. Coates, and M. Rabbat, Optimization and analysis of distributed averaging with short - node memory, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 58, no. 5, pp. 2850-2865, May, 2010. - Matlab code available here!!
E. Porter, J. Fakhoury, R. Oprisor, M.J. Coates and M. Popović, Improved tissue phantoms for - experimental validation of microwave breast cancer detection in Proc. European Conference on Antennas - and Propagation (EuCAP), Barcelona, Spain, Mar. 2010.
F. Thouin, M. Coates, and M. Rabbat, Real-time multi-path tracking of probabilistic available - bandwidth, Technical Report: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill University, - Jul. 2010.
B. N. Oreshkin and M.J. Coates, Particle filters with approximation steps, in Proc. Int. Workshop - Comp. Adv. Multi-Sensor Adapt. Processing, Aruba, Dutch Antilles, Dec. 2009.
B. N. Oreshkin, M.J. Coates and M. G. Rabbat, Optimization and analysis of distributed averaging with- memory, in Proc. Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton, IL, - Oct. 2009.
D. Üstebay, B.N. Oreshkin, M.J. Coates, and M. Rabbat, Multi-hop greedy gossip with eavesdropping, in- Proc. ISIF International Conference on Information Fusion, Seattle, July 2009.
F. Thouin, M. Coates, and M. Rabbat, Efficient network-wide feasible rate estimation, in ACM - SIGMETRICS Workshop on Learning for Networking, Seattle, June, 2009.
D. Nechay, Y. Pointurier and M.J. Coates, Controlling false alarm/discovery rates in online Internet - traffic flow classification, in Proc. IEEE Infocom, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009.
T.C. Aysal, B. Oreshkin and M.J. Coates, Accelerated distributed average consensus via localized node- state prediction, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 1563-1576, April 2009.
N. Saberi and M.J. Coates, Scheduling in overlaid star all-photonic networks with large propagation - delays, Photonic Network Communications, vol. 17, no. 2, April 2009, pp 157-169.
D. Üstebay, B. Oreshkin, M.J. Coates, and M. Rabbat, The speed of greed: Characterizing myopic gossip- through network voracity, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal - Processing (ICASSP), Taipei, Taiwan, April 2009.
G. Zhu, B. Oreshkin, E. Porter, M.J. Coates, and M. Popović, Numerical breast models for commercial - FDTD simulators, in Proc. European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Berlin, Germany, - Mar. 2009.
F. Thouin and M.J. Coates, Equipment allocation in video-on-demand network deployments, ACM - Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications, vol. 5, no. 1, Feb. 2009.
T.C. Aysal, M.J. Coates and M. Rabbat, Distributed average consensus using dithered quantization, - IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 56, no. 10, pp. 4905-4918, Oct. 2008.
D. Ustebay, B.N. Oreshkin, M.J. Coates and M. Rabbat, Rates of convergence for greedy gossip with - eavesdropping, in Proc. Allerton Conf. on Communication, Control and Computing, Allerton, IL, USA, - Oct. 2008.
B.N. Oreshkin and M.J. Coates, Weak sense Lp error bounds for leader-node distributed particle - filters, in Proc. ISIF Int. Conf. Information Fusion, Cologne, Germany, July 2008. Runner-up, Best - Student Paper Award.
Y. Pointurier, M. J. Coates and M. Rabbat, Active monitoring of all-optical networks, in Proc. IEEE - Int. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Athens, Greece, June 2008.
D. Ustebay, M.J. Coates and M. Rabbat, Greedy gossip with eavesdropping, in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. - Wireless Perv. Comp., Santorini, Greece, May 2008.
B.N. Oreshkin, T.C. Aysal and M.J. Coates, Distributed average consensus with increased convergence - rate, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), - Las Vegas, NV, USA, Apr. 2008.
F. Thouin, M.J. Coates, B. Erikkson, R. Nowak, C. Scott, Learning to satisfy, in Proc. IEEE - International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Las Vegas, NV, USA, - Apr. 2008.
M.J. Coates, Y. Pointurier and M. Rabbat, Compressed network monitoring for IP and all-optical - networks, in Proc. of the ACM/Usenix Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), San Diego, CA, USA, Oct. ## 2007.
T.C. Aysal, M.J. Coates and M. Rabbat, Rates of convergence of distributed average consensus using - probabilistic quantization, in Proc. of Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, - Urbana, IL, Sept. 2007.
T.C. Aysal, M.J. Coates and M. Rabbat, Distributed average consensus using probabilistic - quantization, in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Madison, WI, Aug. 2007.
M.J. Coates, Y. Pointurier and M. Rabbat, Compressed network monitoring, in Proc. IEEE Workshop on - Statistical Signal Processing, Madison, WI, Aug. 2007.
F. Thouin and M.J. Coates, Video-on-demand server selection and placement, in Proc. International - Teletraffic Congress, Ottawa, Canada, June 2007.
T. Ahmed, M. Coates and A. Lakhina, Multivariate online anomaly detection using kernel recursive - least squares, in Proc. IEEE Infocom, Anchorage, AK, May 2007.
T. Ahmed, B. Oreshkin and M.J. Coates, Machine learning approaches to network anomaly detection, in - Proc. SysML, Boston MA, April 2007.
F. Thouin and M.J. Coates, Video-on-demand networks: Design approaches and future challenges, in IEEE- Network, March/April 2007.
B. Oreshkin and M.J. Coates, Bootstrapping particle filters using kernel recursive least squares, in - Proc. IEEE Aerospace, Big Sky, MT, USA, March 2007.
M. Rabbat, M.J. Coates and R.D. Nowak, Multiple source Internet tomography, IEEE J. Sel. Areas Communication, Special Issue on Sampling the Internet: Techniques and Applications, vol. 24, no. 12, pp. 2221-2234, Dec. 2006.
N. Saberi and M.J. Coates, Minimum rejection scheduling in all-photonic networks , in Proc. Int. - Conf. Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems (BROADNETS), San Jose, CA, Oct. 2006.
F. Thouin, R.W. Thommes and M.J. Coates, Optimal actuation strategies for sensor/actuator networks, - in Proc. International Workshop on Advances in Sensor Networks (IWASN), San Jose, CA, July 2006.
N. Saberi and M.J. Coates, Fair Matching Algorithm: Fixed-length frame scheduling in all-photonic - networks, in Proc. IASTED Int. Conf. Optical Communication Systems and Networks, Banff, Alberta, - Canada, July 2006.
F. Thouin, D. Goodwill and M.J. Coates, Video-on-demand equipment allocation, in Proc. IEEE - International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), Boston, MA, July 2006.
R.W. Thommes and M.J. Coates, Deterministic packet marking for time-varying congestion price - estimation, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 592-602, June, 2006.
R.W. Thommes and M.J. Coates, Epidemiological modelling of peer-to-peer viruses and pollution, in - Proc. IEEE Infocom, Barcelona, Spain, April 2006.
F. Thouin, R.W. Thommes and M.J. Coates, Optimal actuation strategies for sensor/actuator networks, - Work-in-Progress Extended Abstract, in Proc. Int. Symp. Information Processing in Sensor Networks - (IPSN), Nashville, TN, April 2006
R.W. Thommes and M.J. Coates, BitTorrent fairness: analysis and improvements, in Proc. Workshop - Internet, Telecom. and Signal Proc., Noosa, Australia, Dec. 2005.
X. Liu, N. Saberi, M.J. Coates and L.G. Mason, A comparison between time slot scheduling approaches - for all-photonic networks , in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Information, Comm. and Signal Proc. (ICICS), - Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 2005.
R.W. Thommes and M.J. Coates, Modeling virus propagation in peer-to-peer networks, in Proc. IEEE Int.- Conf. on Information, Comm. and Signal Proc. (ICICS), Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 2005.
M. J. Coates and G. Ing, Sensor network particle filters: motes as particles, in Proc. IEEE Workshop - on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Bordeaux, France, July 2005.
R.W. Thommes and M.J. Coates, Deterministic packet marking for maximum link price estimation , in - Proc. Canadian Workshop on Information Theory, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 2005.
G. Ing and M. J. Coates, Parallel particle filters for tracking in wireless sensor networks, in Proc.- IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), New York, NY, - June 2005.
M.J. Coates, Evaluating causal relationships in wireless sensor/actuator networks, in Proc. IEEE - ICASSP, Philadelphia, PA, Apr. 2005.
R. Castro, M. J. Coates, G. Liang, R. Nowak and B. Yu, Network tomography: recent developments, - Statistical Science, vol. 19, no. 3, Aug. 2004, pp. 499–517. Journal Site: Statistical Science
R. M. Castro, M. J. Coates, and R.D. Nowak, Likelihood based hierarchical clustering, IEEE Trans. - Signal Processing,vol. 52, no. 8, pp. 2308-2321, Aug. 2004.
G. Ing and M.J. Coates, Actuator networks: distributed evaluation of causal effect, in Proc. Asilomar- Conf. Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, Nov. 2004.
M.J. Coates and I. Psaromiligkos, Evaluating average causal effect using wireless sensor networks, in- Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Montreal, Quebec, May 2004.
M. J. Coates, Distributed particle filtering for sensor networks , in Proc. Int. Symp. Information - Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), Berkeley, California, April 2004.
M. Rabbat, R. Nowak and M. J. Coates, Multiple source, multiple destination network tomography, in - Proc. IEEE Infocom, Hong Kong, March 2004.
R. Thommes and M. J. Coates, Deterministic packet marking for congestion price estimation, in Proc. - IEEE Infocom, Hong Kong, March 2004.
M. J. Coates, M. Rabbat and R. Nowak, Merging logical topologies using end-to-end measurements in - Proc. Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), Miami, Florida, October 2003.
Y. Tsang, M. J. Coates, and R. Nowak, Network delay tomography, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, - special issue on Signal Processing in Networking, vol. 51, no. 8, pp. 2125-2136, Aug. 2003.
M. Rabbat, R. Nowak and M. Coates, Network tomography and the identification of shared - infrastructure, in Proc. Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, - Nov. 2002.
M. J. Coates and E. E. Kuruoglu, Time-frequency based detection in impulsive-noise environments using- alpha-stable noise models, Signal Processing, vol. 82, no.12, pp. 1917-1925, Dec. 2002.
M.J. Coates, R. Castro, M. Gadhiok, R. King, Y. Tsang and R. Nowak, Maximum likelihood network - topology identification from edge-based unicast measurements, in Proc. ACM Sigmetrics, Marina Del Rey,- California, Jun. 2002.
M.J. Coates, A.O. Hero, R. Nowak, and B. Yu, Internet tomography, review article, IEEE Signal - Processing Magazine, May 2002.
Y. Tsang, M. J. Coates, and R. Nowak, Nonparametric Internet tomography, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. - Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Orlando, Florida, May 2002.
R. Castro, M. J. Coates and R. Nowak, Maximum likelihood topology identification from end-to-end - measurements, in Proc. DIMACS Workshop on Internet Measurement, Mapping and Modeling, Piscataway, NJ, - Feb. 2002.
M. J. Coates and R. Nowak, Sequential Monte Carlo Inference of Internal Delays in Nonstationary Data - Networks, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Special Issue on Monte Carlo Methods for - Statistical Signal Processing, vol . 50, no. 2, pp. 366-376, Feb. 2002.
Y. Tsang, M. J. Coates and R. Nowak, Passive network tomography using EM algorithms, in Proc. IEEE - Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Salt Lake City, Utah, May 2001.
M. J. Coates and R. Nowak, Network Tomography for Internal Delay estimation, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf.- Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Salt Lake City, Utah, May 2001.
R. G. Baraniuk, M. J. Coates and P. Steeghs, Hybrid linear/quadratic time-frequency attributes, IEEE - Trans. Signal Proc., vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 760-766, April 2001.
M. J. Coates and A. Doucet, Sequential Bayesian wavelet denoising, in Proc. IEEE Digital Signal - Processing Workshop, October, 2000.
M. J. Coates and R. Nowak, Network loss inference using unicast end-to-end measurement, in Proc. ITC - Conference on IP Traffic, Modelling and Management, Monterey, CA, September 2000.
V. Ribeiro, M. J. Coates, B. Hendricks, S. Sarvotham, R. Riedi and R. Baraniuk, Multifractal - cross-traffic estimation, in Proc. ITC Conference on IP Traffic, Modelling and Management, Monterey, - CA, September 2000.
R. van Spaendonck, F. C. A Fernandes, M. J. Coates and C. S. Burrus, Non-redundant, directionally - selective complex wavelets, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proc. (ICIP), Vancouver, Canada, September,- 2000.
F. C. A. Fernandes, R. van Spaendonck, M. J. Coates and C. S. Burrus, Directional complex wavelet processing, in Proc. SPIE Symp. Optical Science and Technology, San Diego, Jul. 2000.
R. G. Baraniuk, M. J. Coates and P. Steeghs, Hybrid linear/quadratic time-frequency attributes, in - Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Sig. Proc. (ICASSP), June 2000.
M.J. Coates and W. J. Fitzgerald, Time-frequency signal decomposition using energy mixture models, - Proc. IEEE ICASSP, June 2000.
M.J. Coates and W. J. Fitzgerald, Regionally optimised time-frequency distributions using finite - mixture models, Signal Processing, vol. 77, pp. 247-260, 1999.
M.J. Coates, E. E. Kuruoglu and W. J. Fitzgerald, Time-frequency based detection in alpha-stable distributed noise environments, in Proc. IEEE Workshop Higher Order Statistics, Caesarea, Israel, June 1999.
M. J. Coates, W. J. Fitzgerald and C. Molina, Regionally optimised kernels for time-frequency distributions, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Sig. Proc. (ICASSP), Seattle, USA 1998.
My PhD thesis (under the supervision of W. J. Fitzgerald at the Department of Engineering, Cambridge University): Time-frequency modelling, Jan 1999.